if you’re gonna stan seventeen, actually, any group really, you respect each and every member. yes, you can have a bias, but you shouldn’t bring the others down just because they aren’t your ult ... keep in mind, YOUR ULT loves their other members and respects them, which you
+should also do. you shouldn’t be “disappointed” or “confused” as to why someone would bias/love another member of that certain group. people appreciate different things and see other things in people that help THEIRSELVES. news flash: not everyone thinks or acts the same.
so if you’re going to stan ANY group, you treat each and every member with at least AT LEAST respect. no one should be going around telling others who to bias and who to appreciate. people can be fans of whoever they’d like and for whatever reasons they have.
i’ve seen many people and many instances where their specific ult has helped them, so don’t go around telling them that they should bias someone else just because you think they’re “better”, “more attractive”, etc. each member has helped several ppl, including each other
+within their own group. without their team, they wouldn’t be who they are now. people around you help you grow. each member has helped their members grow. so thinking about that, YOUR ULT is who THEY ARE from the help of their members. groups go through a lot together
+and of course, they are still individuals with their own personalities, but you can be postively affected by someone else that you spend a lot of time with. i’m glad that i haven’t seen many people on my tl bring down other members to highlight their own bias, but i know they
+exist. so please, don’t go arnd telling people that it’s disappointing that ppl actually bias a specific member or that you don’t understand “why” they love them so much, especially if that member hasn’t done anything wrong. every single person is different, keep that in mind.
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