After I reread Shibuya Incident, the person in Geto’s body became more interesting to me. This thread will be what his possible motives are, why I think he is a jujutsu sorcerer from Sukuna’s time & how a possible (real) Geto + Gojo reunion could happen
The user of Geto’s body regularly disrespects/undermines the cursed spirits in a condescending way. The first instance of this was when he remarked Jogo ‘got off easy’ after his fight with Gojo. Jogo glares at him to show his distaste, but ‘Geto’ plays it off & looks away
The second instance was when Hanami said something to ‘Geto’ when going to save Jogo. ‘Geto’ then waits for him to go away & remarks that this ‘cursed spirit’ should know his place. Another condescending remark from someone who should be on their side
During the Shibuya Incident we are in currently, ‘Geto’ says he does not want to join the other cursed spirits in participating in the plan that HE proposed them to do, instead suggesting sealed gojo is more important than sukuna. This causes Mahito to give him a questioning look
Since ‘Geto’ continuously disrespects/acts indifferent to the curses, I began to think he was a sorcerer. This panel below suggests he is also probably a sorcerer from Sukuna’s time, when the sorcerers were at their peak, since he makes a backhanded compliment here
Another obvious sign ‘Geto’ is a sorcerer was when he was having a talk with the twins. He says “..with a sorcerer...” make sure it’s a binding vow. Which indicates he is saying he is definitely a sorcerer. He clearly has his own motives & knows way more than he lets on
The next thing I wondered about ‘Geto’ was what his goal was. Since he has ulterior motives past what the curses want, what are they?
‘Geto’ remarks to Gojo that he is in the way of his plans & also said holding Gojo was the most important thing, dismissing Sukuna as if he is less important. Earlier in the series, Geto seems confident Yuji didnt die, almost like he knew Sukuna would use a binding vow with Yuji
That’s twice in the series ‘Geto’ mentions a binding vow. This is only speculation at this point, but I think ‘Geto’ wants to use a binding vow with Gojo since Gojo has no way to escape the prison realm if he isn’t rescued for 1,000 years for some goal. This is a major guess tho.
The other, more plausible motive ‘Geto’ has is to actually take in Sukuna’s cursed spirit because he can manipulate cursed spirits. The sorcerer in Geto’s body explicitly states he wanted this body because of this specific ability
Listen, I know that sounds like an impossible thing to do, to take in the cursed spirit of the king of curses, but think about this. Who figured out how to capture the strongest person in the series? This sorcerer did. Gojo seemed invincible, but this sorcerer sealed him
The reason I feel this sorcerer has been putting Gojo’s capture over Sukuna’s return is he has no other way to beat Gojo, but he is confident he can stop Sukuna (a curse with his curse manipulation) somehow. Could be wrong, but that’s the conclusion I came to
It’s clear whoever this sorcerer is, he knows WAY more than he lets on. He captured Gojo & imo is either going to use a binding vow or he will capture sukuna’s cursed spirit to reach his goal. Whatever this ‘new world’ is, I believe one (or both) of these things will help him
Lastly, a possible reunion with the (real) Geto & Gojo can happen in my eyes. When Toji came back, he said this guy’s soul lost to his body & was able to retain control. We also find out Geto’s body responded to Gojo when he called out to him
The sorcerer using Geto then states “The body is the soul & the soul is the body.” This means *possibly* that the real Geto is in there somewhere, fighting for control
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