This is an art dump of all of my releasable portfolio material for #wizardstalesofarcadia #wizardsofarcadia #talesofarcadia. I'm going to try and go from spoiler free to spoiler heavy, so I'll be updating this pinned thread as the week goes on. To start, Wizard Concepts!
Above are the concepts for the Ice Wizard, working off a sketch by Sean Murray, my lineup for the Forest Wizards and a color concept of the forest and edited take on the Fire Wizard, below is my first take on Nari, who later on we decided to make younger!
Here is the Final design for Skrael, this was eventually modeled by Leo Sanchez and texture painted by @bauerpower
The final design for Nari, the left was my concept sketch, we had to edit her hair and her cape because it became cost prohibitive, as for the texture markupm packet, I painted over a sculpt by Leo Sanchez, I considered deleting the callouts, but this shows how detailed we got!
Staff designs! Nari's staff didn't get used much but we MADE IT.
A bunch of badass female troll designs that never got made :)
and some cool witches that never got made! ✨✨✨✨✨✨
Some Excalibur sword designs by me and the design chosen on the far right with a production painting of the green knight, design by @panchito_rex72 !
Morgana and Steve armor design! Morgana’s face was designed by @HeadlessStudio a long time ago, I just filled in the blanks with hair and costume. Steve’s armor was based on an early @panchito_rex72 design!
My rough concept of @RealGDT ‘s bookstore :) finished with texture markup by @bauerpower and a dope painting by @AlfonsoBlaas
Designing magic was FUNNNNN I wanted Excalibur to be on FIRE from the sun!
Here are my concepts the the round table, I wanted Guineveres throne to serve as a reminder that her presence drives Arthur, but I made it lower than his cause he’s an egomaniac ✌️
Another career highlight was @RealGDT ‘a approval on the gesture pose of this dragon. Expressions are not my forte so doing an expressions sheet was new territory. This was based on an early @panchito_rex72 concept.
And finally to round out this thread of production art, the concept for the 2D Vfx of a shot of the opening scene. The base Scene was rendered by Jonatan Catalan, direction by @AlfonsoBlaas and @panchito_rex72
I have color keys but they are more spoilers so I will wait to post those :)
You can follow @YingjueChen.
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