1/ I'll give this a shot, though I would defer all hard questions to @7AustinL who knows this company better than me.

I don't currently have a position. But here's the bull case and why its drop in growth rates is "probably" temporary that will clear up once COVID is past us. https://twitter.com/Bengordon2013/status/1291743351914532865
2/ $AYX is a no-code, unified, end-to-end data analysis solution that "citizen" data scientists (project managers, business planners, etc - though robust enough for enterprise data scientists to use too) can use.

Decent thread from @Logos_LP on this: https://twitter.com/Logos_LP/status/1276916478571315200
3/ It allows "laymen/women" data scientists to take inputs from different sources and express solutions in different outputs on a platform that is built on "visual workflows and an intuitive drag-and-drop interface."
4/ It's recognized by Gartner as a leader in the field, especially on ability to execute. And what does Gartner list as a strength? It's accessible, no-code platform.
5/ Much easier for most organizations to use Alteryx than employing an army of data scientists slaving over spreadsheets while raking in six-figure salaries.
6/ I know every company touts customer success stories, but some of the customer testimonials just blow me away.
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