Waiting for the train wreck.......
Foxxy easy to find in the 200 kg control. Bit concerned re low nitrate in lowest 50 mm of stems and that number of tillers. Hyper 900kg racing headlong to the cliff with just shy of 1000 tillers and a calculated 203 mm soil moisture by Nov. šŸ”„ šŸ”„
Things are certainly on the move in the Hyper N trial. The Nitrate for 900 kg/Ha holds some scary consequences!!
Hyper N trial. 13 Sept. 18 mm rain on the 12th freshened up. The 900 kg is peeping 4 days latter than control and looks healthy enough, spreader misses showing up.

5500 ppm is a dangerous Nitrate level !!!
19 Sept 20. 900 kg/Ha topdressed urea. 1170 tillers m2. Still cranking but with grain fill around the corner some serious water required. Potential 6.65t/Ha yield by tiller. 3.75t/Ha by GSR(calculated). 31kg/mm GSR, I doubt it.
900 kg Urea Hyper N Spartacus (1040 tillers) still has his sandals on. Although they were a bit sweaty after 30 Deg this arvo. Heā€™s still in the race but without a good rain this week heā€™s for the lions.
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