logical fallacies in debates
ad hominem
this is where you attack the person, and not the claim.
"okay blue haired liberal"
"okay she-ra pfp"
straw man
attacking a claim someone hasn't made. going after a position they don't hold.
ignorance appeal
no evidence can be found
false dilemma
suggesting only 2 choices in a scenario when more exist.
slippery slope
suggesting the unlikely is likely.
circular argument
"my brain is reliable according to my brain"
"it is, because i said so"
hasty generalization
to assume, stereotype, overstate, or exaggerate.
red herring
an off topic distraction.
tu quoque / you too !
avoiding criticism by turning it back on the accuser; hypocrisy claim as a defense.
false cause
informal fallacies in which the cause is never correctly identified; correlation does not prove causation.
appeal to authority
avoiding evidence
"take my word for it"
(not the same as ignorance appeal)
an argument that uses one word to mean 2 different things.
ex. "all trees have barks, and dogs bark. therefore, every dog is a tree."
appeal to pity
irrelevant emotional manipulation
many people support this, so it has to be right.
alphabet soup
using acronyms, abbreviations, bigger words, or talking faster to seem more educated on the topic.
i like to call it "pulling a ben shapiro"
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