Here’s moments of Kokichi showing attraction to girls: not only does he tell Tenko that he likes Himiko, but to “save the conversation for after the trial”, as in, he thinks it’s important enough to discuss after the trial.
Kokichi calling Junko his darling. Of course, he’s joking, but as people use him calling Rantaro and Shuichi pet names as jokes as evidence of him having attraction to guys, it can be used here, too.
Miu’s official relationship chart, where Kokichi tells her with a happy/excited face, “On your knees!” Y’know. For something sexual.
Kokichi wanting Kaede to come with him after they escape together and believing she’s very talented (Oumaede moments, much love).
Kokichi fantasising of ruling the world with Kaede by his side as they watch the world burn, as well as him trying to persuade her that they go good together.
Kokichi giving Kaede advice for survival- which he never does so blatantly for the others as he wants them to believe he’s bad- while also telling her that he cares for her.
There’s a moment in the anthology where Miu offers Kokichi her breasts for whenever he’s stressed, and he isn’t disgusted by that idea, just disappointed that Miu would sell herself so low because he wants her to treat herself better.
The anthology isn’t canon, but since idiots want to act like it is, sure thing. 🤷‍♀️ Also, he wrote in his script that he likes Himiko, and yes it was him and not Kaito because it’s a callback for when he told Tenko he likes her.
In conclusion? Kokichi’s the bi king, there’s your proof that he could be attracted to girls just as much as he could be attracted to boys, aaaand- you’re all going to ignore all this proof and cry that he’s joking while believing his flirts with the boys aren’t jokes.
Just noticed- how are the people bashing Oumeno shippers because “Kokichi can’t be bi‼️ That’s not LGBT enough!! 😡🤬” going to see this when I have a bunch of them blocked? Haha.
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