I wasn't going to speak out about this but I would like to express my opinion on the matter. It is horrible for him to behave like that and he should definitely be fired. #firezackhall
I know it's important to get the word out there and PATD probably know about this but we shouldn't pressure or try to boycott them just so they can fire Zack. I think they are trying to sort the issue.
Let's not pressure anybody, including Brendon and others, to sort this out as quickly as possible. We don't even know how Brendon's handling this since another person he trusted has now done something like this. How would you feel if you learnt your friend was secretly like this?
If this doesn't get sorted within the time left in the years then something does have to be done. So, yeah. #firezackhall #firezack #firezackcloudhall
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