For those who are genuinely interested in knowing the facts and not the narrative fed to you by the media, here is an informative thread about the atrocities Kashmiri Pandits (KPs) suffered in Kashmir. It is a 700 year long history and this list is by no means exhaustive
KPs have gone through a total of Seven (7) Genocides and Exoduses. Dating: 1389-1443, 1505-1558, 1585-1753, 1753, 1931-1985, 1986-1995
The last Kashmiri Pandit genocide happened in 1990, a mere 30 years ago. None of the terrorists who actively took part in this were convicted, those who went to jail were let go off, because apparently the evidence wasn't compelling enough.
They are still alive and well and continue to fight for what they believe is their birth right- a Kashmir without non Muslims.
1990 was just one of the seven genocides, where the final straw was when the mics in mosques all across Kashmir would announced: raliv, tsaliv, ya galiv (Convert, flee or die). That's not even the half of it.
Another slogan said: “Hum kya chahte, Azadi.” What do we want, freedom!
3: “Eiy zalimon, eiy kafiron, Kashmir humara chhod do!” - O tyrants, O infidels, leave our Kashmir. (Mind you, the diff communities lived in harmony up until they started crossing the border to Pak.
4: “Assi gacchi panu’nuy Pakistan, batav rostuy, batenein saan”- we want our Kashmir to turn to Pakistan, without the Pandit men, but with their women.
This announcement started at night and continued this till dawn. The frightened KPs left their homes, their land, property, and even pets and cattle to save their lives. Stuffed uncomfortably in trucks and buses they escaped while hiding their identity so as to be safe.
As if that wasn’t enough, they were humiliated when they got to Jammu. Shamed for having left their homes, many also died from the Jammu heat that they were not used to, along with snake and scorpion bites. Many KPs are still living in these camps.
I stand with every single person who has suffered because of terrorism, and I condemn any crimes committed by the army, but please don’t try to measure our sufferings by comparing them.
You talk about justice but always keep KPs out of your narrative. We are either an afterthought or an inconvenience to you and your arguments. As Hindus who were discriminated against more than any Muslim community in India, we do not fit into your neat little narrative.
Tw// threat
If you still have any doubts, I will give you real life instances. My grandfather with two of his nephews went back to Kashmir for work purposes in 1990, but a month later his name along with the two very young boys was on a hitlist.
+ His neighbour informed him that they had to leave everything behind, and the first house the terrorists burned in that village was my grandfathers. +
+ when my family went on a visit to Kashmir in 2004, our house’s fence, fans, doors, cupboards and much much more were displayed in the house of the same neighbour whom my grandfather helped get a job before he left Kashmir for good.
Tw// rape and slaughter
Girija Tickoo went back to Kashmir to get her salary from the school she worked at, when her father’s friend insisted things were better now, only for her to be raped in a moving car after being outed by that same friend +
+ when she recognised the voice of one of the males as someone whom she grew up with, they took her to a tree cutter machine and slaughtered her alive. Her body never reached her family.
Tw// slaughter and gore

A renowned Kashmiri poet, ‘Premi’ had much faith in his Muslim neighbours, even kept a rare copy of the Kuran. In April 1990, 3 armed men took him and his son, along with all their valuables. Promising the women of the house they will return +
+ The men never returned, the police later found Premi and his son dead, hanging from a tree, with nails hammered in between their eyebrows where the Tilak is applied. Their limbs were broken, bodies ravaged with cigarette burns and gunshots.
So, next time, when you talk about Kashmir, do not keep us out of the narrative. Kashmir is as much our home as any other Kashmiri. It has been our home for several millennia. No number of genocides can change that.
Not to forget- where is Jammu and Ladakh in this narrative of yours? Why do you always conveniently forget to mention Jammu ? Both the states are under the exact same condition- the only difference is the lack of insurgency in Jammu.
I am not blaming anyone (but terrorists) here, so please do not try to twist my words into something they are not.
Also, watch this video to educate yourselves on Article 370 and why it holds importance to not just Kashmiri Pandits but Jammu and Ladakh as well.
Sources: Paradise Lost by K.L. Bhan
Our Moon has Blood Clots by Rahul Pandita
Source: Kashmir: Past and Present
To make it clear, Kashmir acceded to India in 1947 when Pakistan sent their kabali raid and assaulted, brutally murdered the Kashmiris, especially targeting the Kashmiri Pandits.
The accession was entirely legal and finally allowed India to protect the state and drive away the invaders. The condition for the plebiscite was that Pak retreat and then Kashmir decides its fate for itself.
The plebiscite that was promised did not take place because Pakistan refused to remove its troops from the area they had unlawfully occupied.
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