I am really not trying to embarrass @theserfstv here. But, yesterday, when I asked them about a citation on Chinese imperialism, this was one of the articles they cited. The problem is that they didn't even bother doing any critical reading and/or fact-checking on their own.
Just note the author and put an asterisk. Having an unreliable author alone is not enough to discredit an article. So, we have to read it.
First paragraphs:


Is what China doing worse than King Leopold's Congo?
Is it worse than the Boer Concentration camps?
Is it worse than what France did in Cameroon?
Is it worse than the trans-atlantic slave-trade?
Is it worse than what the Portuguese did in Angola?
If we start regurgitating the colonial crimes, we will be here all day long. Moving on...

One determines whether European colonial exploitation is worse than China's exploitation by a question of evidence.

Not by random papers written by random politicians.
Let's look at the claims they are making: It is highlighted in red.

Zambia had a 99.5% ILLITERACY rate. It's going to be pretty hard to account for lack of schools with other "social services"
I don't have the life expectancy, but the Median age under British colonial rule (16) makes the "social services" such as healthcare look EXTRA BAD.
Of course, China is not asserting sovereignty over Zambia like the British did. The Zambian government has a contract and/or treaty with China. So even qualitatively it is different.

Therefore, we can confidently assert that Michael Sata is wrong.
If the Europeans had colonized Zambia since 1964 and it has poor infrastructure..... whose fault is it?
So even the author of this article admits that China is setting up infrastructure.
And he finally finishes with this nonsense.

Only 1/10th of Pakistan's external debt is with China. Sri Lanka also has more debt with IMF and other neoliberal European institutions.
In conclusion, after reading through one of the sources @theserfstv cited and fact-checking it... my hypothesis seems a bit more validated.

Should I go through the fact-check of their other articles too? https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1291124730896867328?s=20
As for their next article.. there isn't much to go through other than the fact that someone made a typo

I don't know how this proves imperialism or lack thereof.
China made two bad, racist films.... and that is the "imperialism"
And... what happens to Africans in the west? I am sure there are no police raids, harassment or racist attitudes.
Chinese exploitation:
Backdoor data transfer vs

European exploitation:
transcontinental slave trade and massacres.
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