What’s happening and has been happening in Venezuela since 1998/1999 - a thread 🇻🇪

TW // mentions of violence
Venezuela is a country located in Latin America. Before Chavez, a DICTATOR, took over the country Venezuela was one of the richest countries in the world. The economy was at its best, the tourism was IT. Everyone across the world wanted to travel to Venezuela.
Unfortunately in 1998, Hugo Chavez, a socialist “politician”, won the election and that was the start of our disgrace. People who voted for Chavez were rich people who, as soon as he won, left Venezuela because they knew what was coming.
To make it short, Chavez ruined the country. He kept winning by rigging the elections. His socialism is the reason Venezuela is one of the poorest most insecure countries in the the world. He stole millions and millions of dollar from us, left people without their companies +
and became one of the richest men in the world while Venezuelans kept eating from the trash. Venezuela has also one of the highest ratings of murders and delinquency in the world, making Caracas, my hometown, the third most dangerous city in the world.
In Venezuela there is no food, water, electricity, internet service, education, hospitals and many others basic needs. Add all that to a pandemic, right? can you imagine going through this pandemic without water? without electricity? i’ve gone 15 hours without power in my house
The economy is another topic we, venezuelans, don’t even understand but basically out of nowhere we had to start using US DOLLARS/EUROS, in a country where the Bolivar is the official currency. Doctors and nurses make between $3 to $5 (US) A MONTH... 3 dollars A MONTH.
TW// Violence and murders

Protests of 2014 and on:
when Chavez died (fuck yes) Nicolas Maduro, A DICTATOR, took over the presidency making Venezuela ten times worse than when Chavez was alive. In 2014, tired of the dictatorship, the people took over the streets for months +
making some of the biggest pacific protests in the history of Venezuela. Of course being in a dictatorship that peace can only last a few days. Maduro gave orders to the military and the police to go to the streets to shook to kill without a pause. Hundreds of people, most of +
them students between the ages of 15-40 were shot, hurt and killed by Maduro’s dictatorship. Still nobody outside of Venezuela cared. The protests stopped until 2017 when another wave of protests happened, this time with more people and of course with more repression.
300+ venezuelans died in the streets at the hands of Maduro’s dictatorship. One death that sounded a lot was the death of Neomar Lander, a 17 year old student who only wanted a better country to live. Neomar loved Venezuela, his family and his life goals. He was
planning to move to Spain to study but was killed by the Maduro regime at only 17 years old. The country went crazy with indignation, anger and hurt. They were killing us without even caring if the person was a child. Up until this day people are still being killled, kidnapped +
and tortured in Venezuela. The military and police kidnap people to torture, kill and disappear and no international organization helps. NOS TENEMOS QUE SACAR A MADURO DE ENCIMA COMO SEA PERO YA. 🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪

there’s no medical equipment, not even alcohol, cotton or even the most basic medical stuff people need. Of course there’s no water, sometimes hospitals go weeks without electricity, there’s no food and patients have to sleep on the floor
People in Vzla are so desparate to leave that they WALK to Colombia and other countries nearby. Most countries treat us like trash and tell us to go back to our country. Can you imagine walking DAYS to another country cuz ppl cant afford plane/bus tickets?
Now read all of this and tell me how the hell socialism works?? It literally ruined my country so keep your socialist tendencies to yourself because I had to escape from this to survive. MADURO DICTADOR, MADURO ASESINO. CHAVEZ DICTADOR, CHAVEZ ASESINO.

dejo este en español por aca‼️‼️‼️ https://twitter.com/V1BEZSWEAT/status/1304383529812459522
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