Social proof is SUPER important when running Ads.

It shows the Facebook algorithm that your Ad is a good fit for it's platform.

As a result, you'll make more money with better performing metrics.

But how do you get more social proof?

Let's talk about it.

THREAD (1/15)
Comments, shares, and likes are king.

Not only does it show the Facebook algorithm you mean business, but it also works as trust building for potential customers.

When you're targeting for purchases or lead generation (like you should be), Facebook isn't optimizing for them.
So how do we get a bunch of engagement under our Ads while still being able to optimize for the correct event?

We need to run the same Ad, just with a different conversion target.

Optimizing the Ad to target for Engagement / Video Views.

We accomplish this using post ID's.
Post ID's allow you to retain the engagement you receive under an Ad, while still allowing you to make minor changes.

When creating an Ad, be sure to "use an existing post" while creating it.

Alternatively, you can copy and paste the exact post ID.
From here, you'll be able to find the post you're looking to retain social proof for.

Note: The post will need to originate from the same Facebook page or Instagram account in order to work.
It's how you'll see drop servicing Ads with millions of views.

Are there really millions of people watching those Ads?

Most likely, no.

What those advertisers have done is set the same Ad to optimize for video views in low cost countries like India or Bangladesh.
Additionally, you'll be able to create video viewer LAA's in those countries (if you want) but I don't personally recommend using that strategy.

Reason being?

You're feeding your pixel less qualified data.

There's a reason that traffic is so cheap.

Nobody buys.
The last few tweets were primarily discussing the video viewer social proof strategy, but what most should focus on are the likes, comments, and shares.

Aside from having interesting Ads, interacting with your comments is a great place to build rapport with customers.
If you have 5 comments with 0 replies, people aren't going to be as willing to comments/engage with your Ads.

On the flip-side, if you're responding to every comment under your Ads, it gives off the impression that you truly care about people.
An additional tactic I like to use is creating individual discount codes for those who comment under my Ads.


Jane: Wow, this looks so cool.

Admin: Hey Jane, thanks for your feedback! We sent you a special code to save 15% off your purchase. Enjoy!

See how that works?
Other people will see it too.

They'll want to comment, share, and like.

Further building your social proof.

Of course, this won't be super practical if you're running a large business, but it's a great way to gain traction when first starting out.
Remember, people want to feel like they're riding the trend.

If they see a bunch of other people reacting to a post in a positive manner, they'll be more inclined to do so themselves.

That said, always test posts with and without a ton of social proof.

Some perform different.
You can run a side campaign using 10-20% of your budget with the sole purpose of building engagement.

Main campaign = optimizing for purchases
Side campaign = optimizing for engagement

Both use the same Ads.

I'd only suggest you do this if you know your creatives are winners.
That way, your main campaign is getting all the engagement from your side campaign, while still targeting for the correct event.

Post IDs are super important for this.
If you want to learn how to create money making Ad creatives, I have a course specifically designed for that.

It'll teach you everything you need to know about Images, Videos, GIFs, and the Facebook platform.

$40 OFF for pre-order.

Here's the link 👇 
I hope you guys enjoyed this thread.

Don't hesitate to drop any comments or questions, happy to help.

Until next we meet, traveler!

You can follow @LordofAds.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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