I’ve always wondered why certain anti-mask folk hate *other people* wearing them so much they rage out when it doesn’t affect them at all

I think they hate that people can suddenly tell they’re hateful souls without empathy who probably voted for this just by looking at them.
Masks tell on you now, & they hate that. They want to keep doing their awful deeds & believing their insane conspiracies & voting for horror while blending in with everyone else.

Getting the stink eye on the street in blue cities because everyone can tell who you are sucks.
Just not wearing a mask makes you an asshole, but if you’re furious that *others* wear them, it’s not about freedom. Something else is going on

I used to think they want to believe things are normal, but now I just think they’re mad they can’t blend in with their victims anymore
Sure, not all the people who lose their minds if *someone else* wears a mask are Trumpers.

Some of them are just anti-vaxx conspiracy addicts who have crystals in their pants to ward off Bill Gates.

They don’t like not being able to think they’re the normal ones either.
And maybe, just maybe, because Trump turned masks into a political issue, in many (though obviously not all, 79% support masks) parts of the country, some folks are facing very strong visual evidence that they’re not the majority they were told they were.

That can’t be borne.
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