Right. This angers me because it deflects from genuine issues. I happen to know, professionally, that white working class boys are the least represented of all groups in HE. HOWEVER that DOES NOT MEAN that white privilege doesn't exist. Jesus fucking Christ can you just stop? https://twitter.com/DefundBBC/status/1291269959591567361
I'm a white working class boy. Council estate born and raised. Had practically nothing growing up but was lucky enough to have parents who put themselves through the wringer to make sure I was okay.

But I STILL had more privilege than BAME communities because I'm white. Fact.
Using "but white working class boys..." as a piece of whataboutery in discussions about white privilege takes away focus from both the plight of BAME people in the UK, AS WELL AS the white working class boys who also need support. It isn't an either/or deal here. So can...
...people please stop using that as a means to beat people with. I'd love to see more working class kids in FE and HE full stop, but until the gammon stop using one group to deflect from arguments in favour of others, everybody loses.
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