A future course for Muslims in India, just a suggestion~a thread (1/5)

1) If you get a chance to go overseas, please go,if InshaAllah you earn well, adopt 2 poor Muslim kids & sponsor their education.

2) Try to call other Muslim youths overseas if you are at good position.
3) Take example of Sikhs,they went overseas in large numbers after 1984's Sikh Pogrom,every village in Punjab has lots of people who're settled in foreign countries & look they created Khalsa Aid,which helps all.

4) Please focus on education,give civil services exams.
5) From every family,there must be 1 Muslim kid in army, police or a lawyer, if possible be a teacher because teachers are respected & you can preach the principles of justice, be a doctor so you can easily help poor people with health aid. (3/5)
6) Let's focus on one thing from now on & promise ourselves,we'll not make heroes out of film stars, politicians, etc.
Our heroes will be our ancestors in Islam,like Prophet Mohd SAW (pbuh), his family & Sahabas.
Govt. is to serve us, we don't need to serve them. (4/5)
7)We'll not be apologetic anymore,we shall be completely honest & straightforward regarding the injustices done to Muslims,we won't prove our nationalism at the stake of our Muslim identity,unless & until RSS is not banned, we'll only work to improve our own community. (5/5)
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