@SignifiedAutre Hello, I've noticed your thread on a person called mooch. I just want to let you know that she's still going around and joining servers. Yesterday she messaged my friend in a creepy way and joined her server. She isntantly started pressuring her to join a... cont
VC. She couldn't join at the time but I decided to hop on and the conversation was instantly very awkward. She did explain pretty quickly that a "hmmm" sound triggered her Tourret's so I respected that. I had to go earlier so that was about it for the VC. cont
While talking about politics she seemed to have scanned all the members of the server (which includes minors...) and noticed someone who knew who she was. She asked to let her defend herself if accusations are ever thrown at her. She suddenly mentioned pedophilia being a... cont
treatable mental ilness which was very creepy but I agreed saying someone with tendencies should seek professional help. Later on she mentioned doing some things in the past and having such tendencies after which she was kicked by the server owner since there are minors... cont
on the server. We only later found the actual story behind her on this thread as well as the person she was so worried about. She goes by the name qeeg now though that's probably only one. I can ask the people involved for permission to stare screenshots if you'd want.
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