#Confession: I love creating and coming up with ideas. But I HATE the process of executing them. I really only care about the finished product. All the in-between is 🤮 to me. I just wanna come up with random sh!t and give it to other people to execute. Just give me my 2-10%.
Like, I know what the finished product is supposed to look and feel like (not physically “feel”, but how it’s supposed to move you.) That’s what I care about. I care about how it’s supposed to be marketed too. But I hate the business side of it.
I do it bc, of course, I have to. But all the numbers, the registering, the contracts & legalese, and ultra-formalities gets in the way. It’s too time-consuming. I just wanna create shit, speak it out into the atmosphere, and BOOM! It appears. And everyone loves it.
But that’s not how business works 😔
If you’re one of my friends, you know how many times I call your phone, GEEKED UP and excited about an idea I just came up with. What you don’t know is when I hang up, I get sad lol. Bc I gotta do all this extra sh!t to bring it to life. And it never ends up the way I want it...
...bc all the extra sh!t in-between waters it down a bit. It goes from a 100% dope idea to like 90%. It’s still dope, but not what it’s supposed to be. And I’m left with a sour taste in my mouth about it. The whole thing is just a drag. Idk.
Or when I get off the phone, I think about all the stuff I have to do for it to come to life, and it becomes so overwhelming that I subconsciously say “fcuk it” and forget about it & move on to the next idea. I hate that I do that, but 🤷🏾‍♂️
I feel like I just had a semi-Kanye tweet rant, but whatever lol.
Someone will probably use this thread as a case study on laziness in business. That’s fair.

SMD tho.
Anyway, good night ✌🏾
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