✨A THREAD EXPLAINING THIS GIF✨most found on tumblr
Okay, but remember when H was crying while M0dest! (guy holding the phone taking a picture of el, and the very short girl) people were taking a picture of El and L together. Most likely because of that.
In the GIF it may not be noticable, but when you see the picture attached it makes it more clear that he's crying. I don't think this gets enough recognition so that's why I'm bringing it up now.
1. It looks like the short girl is instructing El and L to stand in a certain place, while the other one is taking a picture.
2. H’s crying. Why else would he be crying?
It can't just be a coincidence that he's crying at the same time L and El are getting told where to stand taking pictures together.
~end of the short thread~
thank you tumblr
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