I'll just say this, the mere idea of Zack Snyder casting Ryan Reynolds as GL simply to get back at Geoff Johns simply does not line up with Zack Snyders character.....like, at all. Zack is not the vengeful sort. He simply wants to tell stories in his own creative way. He's not
just gonna cast somebody in his story to fullfill some childish desire for revenge. And imo, to suggest otherwise is to suggest that Zack has no more maturity than a common twitter troll and is pretty insulting to his character. Which I, along with many others, do not believe
that to be the truth. Now I personally do not in any way believe that Ryan Reynolds is GL in ZSJL. It simply just doesn't make sense considering Zack's history of how he casts his films to fit the narrative, not to fit what is popular or mainstream (Which we all know is not what
Zack is about). And think about it. Since the announcement of his Justice League, Zack has not mentioned ANYONE by name or pointed the finger at anyone. Because he's over it. He's not focused on the past, but rather on the future and his new opportunities. Now if in the end Ryan
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