in case you're wondering what ever happened with this submitter, i see him being published everywhere. i saw his photo on the front page of a lit mag's website tonight and broke down. i'm so tired of hurting like this and knowing that he probably wasn't affected at all. (cont.)
for a time, i messaged other editors i trusted and told them what had happened, what he did to us, in detail. i even showed some of them the content he sent to us. all of those pubs made the decision to pull his work, but he just keeps getting published in these new mags. (cont.)
it's exhausting. the longer it sits with me, the worse i feel. it feels so pointless to use whisper networks when new editors aren't part of them, and the thought that he could be scaring/hurting other editors like he did to us makes me physically ill.

his name is gerard sarnat.
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