The Gyanvapi mosque was built on top of the Kashi Vishwanatha temple in 1669 CE
100 yrs before that dark day Tulsidas ji composed the Ramacharitramanas on the banks of the Sarayu
100 yrs after that dark day Thyagarajar composed Jagadaanandakaaraka on the banks of the Kaveri
Though it has become more important 2 resist our enemies by adopting their manner of being, let us never forget that our civilization is founded on light & life not darkness & death. when jaatis still fight each other, or sects fail 2 resolve some trivial doctrinal difference,
it is as if the islamic/xtian invasions never happened, after all how could we fight amongst each other when there are common enemies at our door? these fights actually represent the eternal spring of optimism, the absolute unwillingness to accept tragedy, that is inherent in us
Yes, it is a weakness but it is a magnificent one and as we grow our civilizational muscles once more, this magnificence must be given a place in our civic and religious life as well as in our hearts. i dont necessarily mean, we continue to fight each other but
rather, we need to be compassionate towards and understand this ancient urge to tribalism that lends us our positivity. LIFE itself. Bharatiya life.
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