3 yrs ago, i was at my lowest point & my ex-wife wouldn't respect my pronouns or name change & told me my anxiety was too much for anyone to handle. had me feeling absolutely worthless. then the next month, i would go meet the cast & my life would start to kind of turn around
i talked to melanie who made me feel so valid. something about her just kind of reached out to me and touched my heart. she gave me this look as i talked to her and i just felt okay. i would reach out to colby the next day and start the best friendship i ever had.
i would struggle in the coming months, trying to save my marriage. i would try to be better, try to be okay being misgendered, try very hard to be in love with my wife like i thought i should. but i just kept feeling less than. colby would stick by my side as my best friend.
i'd visit colby with my ex, where my ex showed everyone who she really was-something she hadn't done in public before. something that scared me because i was used to it staying behind our closed doors. we would separate. i find out she searched for tinder dates months before this
colby would stay by my side as my relationship exploded and support me and help me heal. as time went on, i would fall in love with colby. and we would have a love i've never had before. and are still having over 2 years later. i would be happy. i am happy.
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