Can someone please help me understand why Blade Runner is a thing?
You all need to stop trying to explain “AI” to me and start explaining the point of the random man at the bar where the snake lady replicant was dancing.

There were plot holes and pointless characters all over the place.

What’s with the zoot suit cop?
I’m supposed to read Roy as a good guy but it was chill for him to be torturing the Asian guy who made the eyes?

I also don’t want to touch the racial politics of this.

I’m reading that there is narration in the original that might have helped this film.
Why was it chill for Roy to kill JF Sebastian? He was nothing but helpful! They bonded over their short lives!

I really feel like more dialogue could’ve done wonders for character development.

There were about 50 words spoken in the last 45 min.
Serious police man Harrison Ford goes to burlesque club to hunt replicant. Interviews random 50 year old at bar. The man buys Ford a drink.

My boyfriend: “Lol does he think that’s going to stop the line of questioning?”

It stopped the line of questioning. Completely dropped it
Then Ford, derailed I guess, goes to call his replicant girlfriend from a video pay phone in the bar to see if she wants to hang out at this seedy club while he hunts down one of her kind he’s been sent to kill.
She declines but luckily shows up later just in time to save Ford after he gets overpowered by another replicant. And for ... reasons... she chooses Ford over her own kind.

He shows his appreciation by raping her— but it’s a tasteful, off camera rape.

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