[Thread 1/5] It has come to our attention @TeamYouTube are considering removing community captions from @YouTube. Not only is this an unwise decision but it is also venomous to the world's largest video sharing platform, adversely affecting volumes of users.
[Thread 2/5] Community captions are a necessary tool for a truly global and universal YouTube. By taking this function away, the ability to enjoy all of YouTube is taken from international multilingual communities and those with hearing disabilities.
[Thread 3/5] There is no reasonable cause to take this simple yet effective tool that elevates the platform. As a monopoly of video sharing, @TeamYouTube would be irresponsible to remove this feature that connects users international and gives access to the hearing impaired.
[Thread 4/5] They ought to keep community captions rather than going through the effort of removing them because only a minority of billions use the function. It would also create a void of lost media, as many translations and transcriptions could disappear without archive.
[Thread 5/5] We urge those reading to retweet this thread, or even better, tweet @YouTube and @TeamYouTube themselves and sign this petition: http://chng.it/5NCKDdmkJW 
Help any way you can to stop this disastrous change from going through.
You can follow @TheAmericanAvg.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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