Please, Howard County District 4, do not vote for Sezin Palmer. Just don’t. Why? (thread) /1
❌ She is supported (if not endorsed) by the Howard County Republican Club /2
❌ She supports school choice á la Trump and Betsy DeVos /3
❌ She is supported by the anti-redistricting group Families for Education Improvement, who has the BOE tied up in costly lawsuits over redistricting /4
❌ She has stated multiple times that she is a Libertarian, a fringe right-wing group that does not support public education /5
❌ During the 2019 redistricting, she characterized equity as the George Soros “socialist agenda” and its supporters as “left wing nuts” as well as characterizing racism and segregation as “fake issues” /6
❌ Her campaign is heavily financed by a PAC /7
❌ She pats herself on the back for being non-partisan and resistant to special interest influence despite all of the above /8
❌ ... and much, much more

I will be writing more about Sezin Palmer in the coming months (complete with receipts, as always). Stay tuned. /end #hocoMd #hcpss #boe
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