TROY is one of those movies that I try out every few years hoping that I’ll like it more. I never do. But over never seen the Director’s cut so... now playing
I was 11 when this came out and wasn’t allowed to see it. So I decided instead I’d just “read the book” which was, y’know. The Iliad.
12 years later I wrote a script about the Greek gods being a bunch of petty idiots that got into a Sundance lab so weirdly this movie is part of my origin story
I actually think Pitt’s well cast in this. He plays “I’m so awesome it actually kind of pisses me off” extremely well. And obnoxious heterosexuality aside, this movie captures Achilles so well
ALEXANDER came out the same year as this movie and it somehow offers a more accurate portrayal of Achilles/Patroclus than this does
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