*trigger warning*

quick little poll to see something, have you ever self harmed?
have you ever felt like committing suicide?
do you suffer from any forms of mental health issues, be it depression, anxiety, bipolar etc?
If you are suffering from these issues, does anyone know about it?
how was your upbringing growing up?
what is your favourite colour?
what is your favourite weather?
how much sleep do you get?
do you exercise?
how often do you tend to your prayer?
how good is the khushoo in your prayer?
do you come from a household that isn't nuclear (2 parents and children)
are you currently in education and/or working
do you keep upto date with politics and current affairs?
do you listen to music
what are your go to mediums/immerse yourself into?
are your parents born in the country you live in?
are you close with your siblings?
growing up, who were your role models?
do you know fluently your mother tongue?
do you have insecurities? how you look, think, act, talk etc etc.
are you happy?
You can follow @japburner.
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