Like, okay, yes, Virginia Woolf reinvents the rules of POV in the first chapter of Mrs. Dalloway, but we don't talk enough about the close-up magic of POV in the opening chapter of To The Lighthouse. Like--whew chillay.
The opening chapter of To the Lighthouse is like watching someone tear a hole in the time-space continuum, reach inside of it, and pull out a perfectly cold LaCroix that they then proceed to casually drink and you just have to sit there and let them do it right there in your face
Whenever I feel like I've boxed myself in a corner in terms of POV, I remember that Virginia Woolf had to write all of To the Lighthouse, and then I stop complaining.
Y'all, it's not even the earth-shattering parenthetical I am talking about. I am talking about the opening chapter when she and Tansley are taking that fucking walk and she's just like casually hopping back and forth from their minds.
She just be wilding, tbh.
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