#TodayInHistory Hiroshima is devastated by the atomic bomb Little Man in 1945. 140,000 killed, the plight of those who survived was even worse, many suffering from the radioactive fallout. This was a war crime in any way you see it. #LestWeForget #Hiroshima75
Seeing people defend #Hiroshima75 saying that Japanese deserved it for their war crimes. In that case most of the Western nations deserve even more for their very glorious "history" which still continues.
Allied war crimes during WWII were as bad as any one else. And let us not even get into what the Red Army did. But then being on the winning side, they just got away with it all. And yeah the fact that US gave safe passage to many Nazis post the War for it's own purpose.
Proverb in Telugu "Picchuka pai Brahmastram", meaning using the Brahmastra, a powerful weapon a sparrow. Basically using disproportionate force on an opponent already beaten down or weaker. That about sums up #Hiroshima75
Japan had already lost the War by then, it's navy was gone, most of it's main cities were bombed to rubble, and would have surrendered. #Hiroshima75 was just a very ghastly experiment for US to prove it's atomic power.
Sorry meant **Little Boy
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