THIS!   👉Attn: Twitter White People:   Its time (probably long overdue) to start a thread on, How to Behave Towards POC in wilderness areas, state and ntl parks and forests settings. POC go into these areas for all kinds of personal reasons, recreation, fitness routines,
mental health improvement, sanity, stress release, fresh air, appreciation of natural world, teach their kids the wonders of nature world and to develop an appreciation of nature while they growing up, etc,... Also, for some POC, its a means to escape from the daily constant
dealing with, living in a white society and frankly white people, in it. If that statement bothers you, perhaps you should read some other tweets. Btw, are wasting time, if you expect a reply from the author of this thread and or you could get blocked. Just saying...
Point of clarity, of course this tread makes 'no claims' to speak for all or even general motivations of POC. So white people, when POC are on the hiking trails, at the water edge of lake, pond, or beach, sitting on a rock or whatever and you pass by, RESIST the urge to make
comments in hearing range related to POC. Also, any comments about seeing them there at all. RESIST the urge, to offer advice or ask questions about where they are going. Some POC have been those areas you are recreating in for yrs, and don't necessarily need or want, your onsite
perspective. DO NOT comment to POC about their food items, water containers, outdoor clothing attire, gear or lack of. That is just f***ing rude and insulting. STOP STARING when POC put on sun block on themselves and or their kids. Unlike too many white people, the sun has yet to
discriminate, about burning the skin of POC! DO NOT tell and or imply to POC how 'special it is' to see them in same outdoor spaces, that you the white person frequent and enjoy too. Again, its f***ing rude, insulting and frankly just stupidly racist.
Don't ask what city did they come from, not all POC are big city dwellers. Don't assume a group or club of POC, are having a once a yr 'benevolent' outing, that some "sponsor" arranged to get them out of the city, poor things....
Baby Boomer white people, just STOP w/your intentional or not comments! Just Stop. Millennial 20-something white guys, just STOP gawking and thinking you need to ask a POC, who has stopped for say...the view or even to reclaim ones breath, to assist them. Just Stop. If a
individual or group of POC needs or wants assistance, is in crisis or danger it very likely they actively will seek out any help they can get. If its a life threatening situation, of course then do assist. Do Not assume POC want to deal with or pet your dog/s. Also, for any age
white people, a POC who is just 'out there' alone and is not distressed, does not require you to comment to that person, about 'how brave' they are for doing their nature outing thing that day. (eye roll here)
Here is a question for white people...why is it at a nature location that has abundant space, do white people just need to just stop where POC are gathered for a photo? Or, take a break at that same spot or too close nearby. Or, have your dogs and or your kids wandering over.
(see 1st paragraph again, if you need to)
So in short, POC in US are going to be outdoors hiking climbing swimming skiing snowshoeing taking photos bird watching and or even doing citizen science project volunteering, in the natural world.
Twitter and other White people get used to POC inhabiting these outdoor nature based spaces. This is the new norm, for the 21st century. Rein in your racial attitudes about POC, worse behavioral impulses. Leave POC alone to enjoy their time of peace calm beauty and awe, that
nature provides freely for the entire human species to experience
Twitter POC, feel free to share your comments, about appropriate respectful behaviors from white people, when they encounter POC in nature settings. Everyone, I realize this thread could get 'a range' of feedback, so please lets be polite. Thanks Everyone!😊
You can follow @enviro_techie.
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