Okay, as hard as it is, anybody threatening the 46th president of the United States because of a VP pick is getting blocked.

This makes me really, really sad to have to do this.
I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, but that was apparently misplaced.

That behavior is not acceptable. It is never acceptable.
And people are apparently doing to other people what they did to me last week.

It needs to stop.
Threatening to release supposed oppo on Joe Biden is not something someone who cares about winning this election does.

For any. Reason.
It's not fucking okay to attack Joe Biden, threaten to release oppo, insinuate he's a racist, I've had enough of this toxicity.
And it is certainly not fucking okay to swarm people who call you out on it, call them racists, attack their character, call them crazy, and/or call them slurs.
I have seen this behavior now from too many people.

And I'm just over it.
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