“Bi lesbian was created by a tumblr user” oh yeah totally, all those bi dykes in the 80s loooved tumblr it was their favorite website /j
Here’s a few sources showing it’s use between the 70s-present, do the rest of the researching for yourself:
Here’s a comic showing the use of Bi Lesbian published in 1999

This shows people used bi gay and bi dyke and was written in 1996/copyrighted in 1999

There are many definitions of bi lesbian
1. people who use split attraction model, and use bi lesbian as shorthand: so homosexual heteromantics, or heterosexual homoromantics (or other types of attractions)
2. Some people use it to include masculine non binary genders, because the “Only fem aligned” stuff is bs, see: butches & studs
3. Piggy backing of point 2. There are multigendered non-binary people, like bigender or genderfluid people who may be women sometimes/partially so a lesbian attracted to them may use bi lesbian to denote they mainly like women but are open to partners with multiple genders (1/2)
(2/2) since bi means attraction to 2 or more genders
4. Some people use it as a “bi with a preference”
5. Some use it because bisexuals have always been included under the term lesbian, until terfs and political lesbians started policing people and deeming anyone who’s ever slept with a man (or person they deemed a man, like trans women) as a traitor to lesbians/women and (1/2)
(2/2) thus created gold star lesbianism

It’s always different for different people and there may be other definitions not included in this but will be included whenever given
6. People with changing sexualities, like abrosexuals and flexisexuals, who may sometimes be bi and/or sometimes lesbian (or other sexualities like gay or asexual though would use a similar term like bi gay, abro ace, abro lesbian, etc)
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