Going to be a weirdo and talk about my fav things I like to empasize n focus on in my drawings ehe
I’m absolutely obsessed with human, cat, and horse figures I have the most fun drawing them 😭 I like drawing legs and torsos the most because of how many curves they have n the can help determine a character’s personality n stuff it’s so fun
I like the lil area where your arm connects to your body the like shoulder armpit area it’s cute to me idk lil pudge. Same with thighs it’s so cute to draw
Idk I like hands so much remind me of monkey
Wattice this. I like it pudge
I’m not like the expert or anything but I rlly like to draw chests like this tho it’s kinda bad because drawing like pure muscle pecs makes me mad. Why can’t it be pudge always ugh stupid variation
EYEBALL. Just really adore drawing eyes like this so fun
Lastly I like to draw jigen stress lol sorry jigen love u so much end of thread
WAIT also horse legs and cat faces. love to draw those so so much
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