The infantilization of these actresses really has got to stop. There are some of you who are so dogged in your pursuit to 'protect' actresses that you don't care how much you hurt anyone else with the things you say in their defense. While we can always be mindful of the things
we say to limit any hurt/discomfort they may feel, they are grown women who do not need you to be their self-appointed guardians. We cannot simultaneously praise them for being strong, intelligent, capable women, while at the same time behaving as if any exposure to the world
will destroy them and acting as if they cannot/will not tell people what bothers/discomforts them. I've also found from being part of this fandom for the entirety of this show's run is that the majority of the time, the things that some of you are trying to protect them from are
literally the things you all won't stop being so loud about in your stance against it that *you* become the ones who are responsible for drawing their attention to it in the first place. Again, you can be mindful, but stop appointing yourself their guardians and stop
infantilizing them.
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