
This is the only video I've seen of the fire before the warheads went off and then the rocket fuel.
The roaring sound is the warheads exploding in a chain reaction.


There are no firefighters. The flashing lights are on stationary structures.
The Lebanese report that firefighters were there for hours, fighting the flames, but there's no evidence.

In fact I see no human activity at all.

This would be consistent with the warehouse storing Iranian missiles and rocket fuel.
At burning warehouses, firefighters use booms to allow hose operators to climb above the flames and spray water downward.
Those are DOCK CRANES on the right.

My guess is the Iranians and Hezbollah planned to remove the missiles and rocket fuel by crane.

They kept the firefighters out.
Those cranes take up all the room on THAT side, and as you can see for yourself, no firetrucks on the other side.

Therefore, no firefighters.

If this were an accidental fire, and nobody knew about the ammonium nitrate, the place would've been crawling with firefighters.
At Tianjin, firefighters fought the flames for half an hour before the first explosion.

The water actually SPED UP the chemical reactions and increased the blast effect of the explosions.
I found another video that shows vapor domes becoming doughnuts.
Identical to Beirut.

Because both explosions were caused by MISSILES.

Missile engines are kept in underground vaults.

The blast effect is channeled UPWARD as well as to the sides.

Note that the Russian explosions crated massive fireballs.
These fireballs lasted several seconds.

There was essentially NO fireball in Beirut.

Watch the video and marvel at how FAST the "explosion" takes place.

Watch how FAST the smoke tower rises.
This is because the Iranian rocket fuel was INCINERATED.

The incineration or deflagration happened FASTER than a conventional explosion, thereby reducing the blast effect and destroying ALL the explosive material in at least two separate batches.
The Beirut even bears no resemblance to the Siberia event EXCEPT for the fact that blast effect was channeled upward.


Iranian rocket engines and fuel in an underground vault as well as missile warheads in a warehouse were deflagrated.
This is a miracle of technology.

Science fiction made fact.

Deflagration was used extensively in the Battle of Mosul.

The Islamic State made hundreds of truck bombs.

Nearly all of them were deflagrated.

Incinerated instantly. All the paint is burned off.
In this case, the driver got out (note open door), but he was incinerated right behind the vehicle.

I've censored the poor dear.

We see that SOMEBODY has both tactical AND strategic versions of this technology.

War as we know it is becoming obsolete.



Disarmament, treaties, mutually assured destruction, regime change...
The only thing that works is to have a technological edge that the enemy will never be able to match.

I call this approach to war "precision obliteration."

Technology and a willingness to dump ALL traditions.

Fire the naysayers and adopt unorthodox solutions.
We will see world peace in our lifetimes.

LASTING world peace.

It requires WEAPONS that make war utterly fruitless.

Anyone who says otherwise must be ignored.

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