Important. As much as I've been tweeting about Carl Henry's broad support of social justice efforts, even he was somewhat skeptical about the ability of legislation to shape the hearts & minds of individuals. Volf has an excellent answer for him. 1/4
Though hearts & minds are ultimately changed by the gospel, we also have to acknowledge the existence of non-salvific common grace present in all cultures that enables people to create a just society. In this sense, legislation does have a role to play. 2/4
It's why we advocate for minorities, immigrants, and the lives of the unborn. Not just because it's the right thing to do at the present, but because it shapes our communities and culture for future generations to come, who need to learn about caring for the vulnerable.
In the public sphere, Christians have an important role to play when it comes to advocating for these populations, as a testament and witness to the Kingdom. 4/4
Endnote: In case anyone was wondering why I dragged poor Henry into this, it's because he bought the truism that you can legislate justice but not love (which comes thru a changed heart). So altho he supported social justice, he had a limited understanding of its potential effect
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