it's not that rich people are more likely to be pedophiles, it's that men in all income levels engage in an absurd amount of sexual violence and the scale and degree to which they're able to do it varies based on how much power they have.
i wish the conspiracies would stop lmao the same reason why _______ was able to get away with it is the same reason why some teachers abuse up to 120 kids before being caught. it's literally all about access.
getting money doesn't turn on the pedophile switch or something. creeps are just creeps.
i was referring to some music industry discourse and not to epstein (hence me censoring the name so stans will leave me alone) but yes i do know that not only men are child predators, i was just generalizing since like 80-90% of them are in fact men.
also this idea that poor people usually get caught while rich people get away with it is nonsense lmao. i'm sure rich people are more likely to get away with it but rapists in general barely get in trouble lol let's be real here.
also confused about why people are arguing about me talking about "access" lmao you can't abuse kids if you don't have a way of 1. being around them and 2. being in an environment in which you won't get caught. it's very basic terminology in this subject.
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