☠️Fear: The Success Killer☠️

Most people are afraid of something.

Spiders & snakes are pretty common fears.

We all know there’s a TON of fears out there...

No way I could ever remember or list all the “phobias”

But that’s not what I want to talk about right now.
What I DO want to talk about is fear.

If you’re not careful, it will cripple & potentially even kill your

- Dreams
- Vision
- Business
- Passion

Fear is a killer.


I want to share a short story.

It’s kind of personal, but I think it will help me explain..
So listen up.

When I was younger, my father actually attempted to build an online business.

He had the same dreams & motivation that most of us do

- Financial independence
- Security
- A better life for his family
Now, for one reason or another...things ultimately didn’t work out.

& in the meantime, Dad couldn’t come outside to throw the football.

He never watched movies with the rest of us.
He never had the time to go to the park with me to shoot off the rocket I got as a birthday gift years earlier...

He was busy.


Please don’t get me wrong.

My father is a great man.

He instilled in me good character and a strong work ethic.
But for so much of my childhood, he’d come home from his 9-5, eat dinner, and then go into his “computer room.” (That’s what I called his office.)

I hated his stupid computer work that seemed more important than spending time with me.

Fast forward 5-10 years.
I’m a teenager, almost an adult, who’s been on the internet since he was 11.

Doing things online comes naturally to me.

I’m kind of nerdy, very smart, and have a knack for computers.
& I’m hearing about all these different ways to make money online...

- Amazon FBA
- eBay
- Drop-shipping
- Options trading
- Online marketing
I knew these were real things and that some people were successful with them.

But I had this fear in the back of my mind

- Of being a partially absent father
- Of missing birthday parties because I was “too busy”
- Of damaging my relationship with my wife because of my ambition
& that fear held me back.

So I chose the 9-5.

I chose what I saw as “security.”

I got out of high school and began working various jobs, up to where I am now at my current job.
I just wanted—or this is what I told myself I wanted—to go to work, put in my time, and go home to my family.

Have a consistent paycheck.

A wife, a little house, some pets, some kids..

Just a simple life.
& every time that spark would rise up in me, the idea of breaking free, or building something myself...

That fear would rise up even higher, and choke out that desire.

This happened over and over again...

Until a conversation I had with my wife a couple months ago.
We were talking about all of this.

Then she said something.

& her words woke me up:

“You’re not your father. You won’t make the same mistakes he did. And I believe in you.”

My fear lost its grip that it had held so tight for way too long.

& so I started making moves.
This is just the beginning of my journey.

But the point is... I started.

& so my encouragement to you today is this:

Never let your fear hold you back.

Fear is a survival instinct.

Fear is your body’s attempt at keeping you “safe.”
So it’s not an inherently bad thing...

But as we all know, fear is not always rational.

& it so often holds us back from the greatest things available to us in life.

Don’t let it do that to you another day.

Let go of your fears.

Take a chance.

Watch your life change.
If this was valuable to you, please

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I’d truly be grateful.

& let me know below..

What fear was holding you back?

What was your breaking point?

How did you overcome it?

Let’s discuss 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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