If "absentee" ballots work,( like Trump just said as he used absentee for FLA vote), why in 2020 are we not advanced enough of a society to make mail in voting possible? You mean to tell me America, can't possibly figure out a working way to vote by mail, they way absentee works?
This isn't a ploy to argue, I legit can't think of any reason we can't come up with a way to count everyone's vote via mail, or even electronically. That is how our taxes are done? We have inventors and smart people who could figure this out, amirite? I'm not that person,clearly
America can send things into space, but we can't figure out a proper system for voting by mail? Like THE iPhone....that thing alone proves we can do amazing things, RIGHT?! Maybe I'm missing something obvious ugh
I'm sure this thread will upset someone, but it shouldn't, my lack of understanding shouldn't upset you, just help educate me...links would be great. THANK YOU!
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