just realized its august 7 for me. That means that 12 years ago today,war started in Georgia.i will try and explain some things about this war and about relationship between Georgia and Russia,who is our political enemy.Its not your duty to read this tweet but it+
+would be great if I could explain this since I have a platform. A thread.
1.first of all,i have to underline that people often reffer this war as "8 august war". Its not true. The narrative that war started in august 8 was pushed by Russia and meant that war was started by us+
+ which is not true. Even Georgians say that war was started on august 8 cause they don't know it's Russian narrative and a fake information. I won't write everything in this thread since i want people to actually read this and i know they won't if its too long,but the first+
+and the most important thing to know is that war was started by Russia and not Georgia. If you see a source saying Georgia started a war,please check:is this source trustworthy? Or is it influenced by Putin/Russia? You will eventually discover that the source is either+
+influenced by Russia or is written by an uneducated person. RUSSIA STARTED THE WAR. now,i think it's better if i state MY own experience about it. i was little. i was spending summer with my family. i remember our parents staying awake at night.
One night,they saw an+
+airplane. They thought that russians were about to bomb our city too. But nothing happened. Later,our uncle who was fighting in the war reached to us saying that they were not going to bomb Batumi(my city),but they did this to scare us. I clearly remember+
+how scared we were. we were scared of going to bathroom cause it was outside,on a balcony. They were talking about going to Turkey(our neighbor country) and they were saying they would not demand us pasports because war was happening. but as i said,they did not bomb my city+
+what i remember being the most terrible thing is my mum talking. i dont ecatly remember but i think i should be asleep,thats why mum was talking about it,if she knew i was awake she would not say it. what she said was that the night when they saw an airplane,she+
+was watching me and my cousin sleeping on the second floor of our home and she was thinking that if they bombed our house,second floor would be the first to destroy and we would die. I think thats why they took us on the first floor to sleep. i dont even remember if+
+i really heard my mum saying this or i just dreamt of it but even if i dreamt,that shows how terrified and scared we were. the war displaced 192,000 people. some of them returned to their homes aftet the war,but around 20,270 people remained desplace. sine this war,+
+Russia has occupied ABKHAZIA and SOUTH OSSETIA. the thing is that some people reffer abkhazia as a country or as a part of Russia. The thruth is that abkhazia is a part of GEORGIA. Its ILLEGALLY occupied by Russia. now,i have to talk about the harm russia does+
+till this very day. Later,I will do another thread about what russia has done thoughout centuries(soviet union ect) but now i will talk about what is happening NOW,after the war. abkhazia and south ossetia is still occupied by Russia,as I already said. People+
+who live near/inside occupied villages are constantly afraid and scared. there is a de facto boundary(de facto aka not real and legitimate) and people can't cross it,which is very unfair. it's OUR country. For example,a doctor Vajha Gafrindashvili crossed "boundary"+
+to help his patients in occupied villages back in november. Occupiers put him in jail. he was held there untill december. they were trying to force him say he was not in Georgia and it was Russia's land but he never did.+
+young people in Abkhazia are taught that we are their mortal enemies,when,in fact,Abkhazia is Georgia. their mortal enemy is Russia,a country that caused all of this. Abkhazians believe that they are independent country and we try to take their independence,+
+while historically,etnically,morally,legally,Abkhazia is Georgia. Abkhazia is and always will be Georgia. I think I will end my thread here because it's too long and people won't actually read it. Thank you so much if you read it. Plesse,if you ever see someone+
+praising Russia or saying that Abkhazia is not Georgia,correct them. Russia is an occupier. I will continue making threads like this,even though its mostly my experience. I will try to contain more facts next time. If you have any question feel free to ask. I'm sorry for+
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