Dr. Ngozi Ezike, head of the Illinois Department of Public Health: "The number of cases statewide is generally trending upward, and positivity rates have increased throughout the state. Of course, more in some counties and regions than others. Many people may be thinking the ...
"numbers aren't that ... that is true, they're not as high as they were in April or May, but they are increasing. And if we don't take further steps to reduce the spread of the virus, our numbers will continue to go up and we will be right back where we were just a few months ...
"ago. Anyone who thinks that wearing a mask or keeping their distance doesn't help, you are just wrong. Both of those incredibly simple actions have been shown to slow the spread of the virus and decrease the number of cases."
Ezike: "Today, we are reporting that 1,759 people were newly diagnosed with COVID-19, for a total of 186,471 cases. Since yesterday, most regretably, 30 additional individuals were reported to have lost their battle with COVID ... ."
Ezike: We still need more testing and contact tracing.
Ezike: "We also need more personal responsibility, more community responsibility. Events like the White Trash Bash where hundreds of people gathered are ways that the virus can spread if we're not masking and distancing."
Ezike: "No one should be gathering in large groups where you can't keep 6 feet of distance and can't wear a mask."
Ezike: "COVID-19 is an invisible threat with very visible consequences. ... This virus is not tired. In fact, it's trying to gain momentum. It's cunning and it's elusive."
Ezike: Don't overlook allergy-like symptoms. "COVID can look like so many things."
Ezike: Don't think it's OK to get together with family without masking and distancing. If your relatives aren't in your immediate household/"bubble," you are exposing yourself and them to the additional risk of virus spread.
Ezike: They've seen family members gathering and spread coronavirus to each other.
"Unfortunately, people even gathering for funerals and then going on to catch COVID and multiple people at that solemn event."
Ezike: Be courteous to wait staff by wearing face coverings, keeping distance, etc.
Pritzker: "The state unemployment systems across the country continue to work at a feverish pace to manage through a surge of benefits need ... ."
Pritzker: The federal unemployment assistance system led to "massive holes for illegal fraudsters to steal ... ."
Pritzker: There's been a dramatic increase in the amount of unemployment insurance fraud. "Because the scheme is nationwide, the No. 1 thing we've been asked to do here in Illinois is to fully cooperate with federal investigators ... ."
Pritzker: "IDES has identified over 120,000 counts of fraud, 107,000 in the PUA system since its launch in May and about 14,500 in the standard system since the beginning of March."
Comparison: It's processed more than 2 million claims in 2020.
Pritzker: The number of fraudulent claims pales in comparison to the number of people who genuinely need assistance.
Pritzker: A person who hasn't filed a claim but has received a debit card of letter in the mail "has likely been a target of this fraud."

If that's you, go to http://IDES.Illinois.gov . Click on "Report Fraud & Identity Theft." Fill out the contact form.
Pritzker: Reporting fraud helps the government and protects you.
Pritzker: "As of today, Illinois is performing an average of 41,000 tests per day over the last seven days."
Pritzker: "Unfortunately, the virus ranges on."
Pritzker: Local leaders need to take action to prevent rise of coronavirus in their areas. "Without local action, even more stringent regulations restricting public action — or in the extreme, another stay at home order — might be in your future."
Pritzker: "Statewide, we're seeing two new infection trends that are different than ... a few months ago." First, the most new cases are among young people, 20-29. Second, the percentage of people contracting COVID-19 outside of Chicago has dramatically increased.
Pritzker: "Young people and those in downstate Illinois are no longer the smallest part among those who are newly infected. Let's be clear, this virus is dangerous no matter how young you are because of the long-term damage it can cause."
Pritzker: Even if your experience is mild, you can spread it to people who are more vulnerable.
Pritzker: Let's do the things we can control and that will keep you safe: Wearing a mask in public places is required, keep physical distance and "don't indulge others who ignore public health guidance."
Pritzker: "The point, in the end, is to reduce the number of people who get sick and the number of people who die. All of those things are obviously related to each other — hospitalizations, people who go in the ICU," people on ventilators, people who die, etc.
Pritzker: "I can't imagine" there will be a state mandate for people to get a COVID-19 vaccination. "What I do think is once a vaccine is available I think many, many people will want to get vaccinated. We obviously want to get to herd immunity."
Pritzker: Masks do an "awful lot" to keep down the infection rate.
Pritzker: Co-morbidities are very bad — for example, someone who has the flu and COVID-19, "That can kill you." They will encourage everyone to get a flu vaccine this fall.
Pritzker: "The fall does bring with it much more disease, much more sickness. And when you add on top of it COVID-19, that's when you have real problems."
Pritzker: "We put out guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education and IDPH and many of the school administrators and superintendents and others ... were all at the table as we were putting that guidance together."
Pritzker: School districts across the state are making their own decisions, including CPS.
Pritzker: States all around Illinois are seeing their positivity rates rise. People travel in from those states, which makes it difficult for Illinois.
Pritzker: "The rulings out of Clay County have been ridiculous." No other court has had similar rulings.
Pritzker: If the feds won't support local/state governments, they'll have to make cuts.
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