When #childcare programs close, everyone loses. Congress must act to #SaveChildCare, which saves communities, jobs, and places to learn. They haven’t yet—and the consequences are devastating. @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer @SenateMajLdr @GOPLeader Thread/
"After 43+ years, our program is closing permanently. As a NAEYC accredited #ECE program on a college campus, we were a model program for our 75 children, families, college student interns & fieldwork students. This is a huge loss all around." -Janet K.; Arnold, MD #SaveChildCare
'In June, after 20 years, we closed and 110 children and their families lost access to child care. Congress, if you believe #ChildCareIsEssential to the financial growth of this country, then you must #SaveChildCare now! You are waiting too long to help." -Rosalind M.; Walden, MA
"For 19 yrs I was a successful business owner of a rural family #childcare program that was always at capacity and where every child has either gone into the military or college. Sadly, that's all gone as #COVID19 shut my doors forever." -Sharon B.; Thurmont, MD #SaveChildCare
"Little Seed Early Learning Center was a quality program where our son thrived & we felt completely safe with his care. Now, not only are we left scrambling, we are worried about finding a place we can trust and feel safe during a pandemic." -Keopu R.; Honolulu, HI #SaveChildCare
"For over 30 years my business, Cradle & Crayon, operated CRREL’s Child Development Program and Services, a Department of the Army #childcare center that served 52 children in Hanover, NH. Now, we are permanently closed." -Brenda D. calls on Congress to #SaveChildCare
"Closures like ours are having detrimental effects on children, families, and teacher prep programs where #ECE students would learn about best practice through working in our lab preschool." -Cindi B.; Bowling Green, OH https://bit.ly/2EL1bkS  #SaveChildCare
"This is like a roller coaster. Starting in March, everything was changing by the minute. However, our program closing is now certain. And it is devastating. 55 children and their families...all of the years—gone. Congress must act to #SaveChildCare." - @RixaMarie; Olympia, WA
If you are a parent, educator, or director whose #childcare program has closed for good, RT and add your voice to this thread. Then tell Congress they must #SaveChildCare. Visit http://childcarerelief.org  to act today!
You can follow @NAEYC.
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