Astrology: ⚖️Karmic Astrology: ⚡️Early Relationships & Childhood Karma🍼🎀🧸 (How to Clear Past Life & Family Karma, Destiny, Reincarnation & Karmic Relationships) Pt. 2🌸🌪
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Biochemistry already confirms that babies are sensitive to the moods and feelings of their mother, and carry impressions of the mothers emotions, highs and lows. Some people feel so sensitive to their mother that they may even feel responsible for them, which is unhealthy
especially when because try to maintain her happiness at all costs. This usually affects the persons latter connection with their peers, as well as decisions that may need to make for themselves. Other people are deeply affected by their parents sexual relationship:
people conceived out of love had a totally different approach the incarnation to those from last or indifference. If the parents had passion and zest plus a deep love for each other at the time of conception, the soul would eagerly anticipate birth and would seek a similar adult
relationship. If the intercourse had been a cold, passionless ‘duty’, the soul was less eager to incarnate and will later, unconsciously seek the same in a partner. With each death comes to remembering, and so the feelings and expectations of other lives are also imprinted, even
though the child apparently forget these again after birth. Now with standing, some children remember their past lives well into childhood, especially if the last passing out of incarnation was traumatic. The soul carries the memories through out each life, although this is
usually at an unconscious level. Nevertheless, in these birth moments the baby is aware of any past life connections within the family. Here she may look forward to the meeting, or maybbe apprehensive as to whether necessary changes and learning can occur. How did child is
welcomed into the world will either reiterate all patterns, or offer the possibility of a new beginning. In addition to indicating the patterns of behavior and expectation carried forward from the past life, the birth chart shows the environment in which these will be projected.
it describes how the mother, the father and siblings will be perceived, and how the family will interact. At times there may be a direct karmic link between the souls within the family unit, which will be clear from a Soulmate/Synastry Chart reading from me, or karma related to
that type of family interaction. Others are more loosely connected, varying the experiences explored through karmic contacts including friendship or enmity as well as love relationships. Parents are selected prior to incarnation on the basis of the experience is required by the
incarnating soul, and the genetic and attitudinal inheritance that the family offers. no matter what the soles on pattern might be, the baby initially learns about relationships through observing the parents relating to each other. If the child sees something he or she is
expecting, the innate expectation is reinforced and the soul is set on its treadmill again. If the child sees something different, then he or she learns that things do not necessarily have to be the way they were before. However, souls may be imprinted with the parents unfinished
business or unfulfilled longings, which may or may not have been carry down the family line. In such cases, when the soul matures, work may be needed to heal and release from the printed material. All patterns such as lack of self-worth or conflict with authority figures are
carried over by the incarnating souls from the past. Families, or one or other parent, are often chosen because they can provide exactly the right environment for expectations to flower. Even with a family situation is not that difficult, the soul may perceive it as such because
of an ingrained belief then it must be that way and one or other parent, or another significant adult, will play out the rules that the soul has come into this life to expect. it is these unconscious patterns which formed the basis of learned behavior and include many defense and
avoidance strategies fabricated to prevent taboo feelings and emotions from surfacing. These form part of the shadow side of the personality, but are rarely consciously acknowledged or recognized. The pressure of behavior based on childhood circumstances and of experience
carried over into adulthood forces attention onto the issues involved, and offers a possibility of resolution of long-standing personal and parental karma and a better understanding of the shadow. Scientists and educators have long questioned how much of the
personality is attributable to hereditary and genetic factors, and how much of it to family and environmental influences. Studies of twins separated at birth show an outstanding similarity of experience, and yet twins brought up together often have different personalities. One
twin tends to exude the positive, outgoing qualities of the chart and the other twin, the quieter more passive side, but the ascendant or MC was taken into account. In a child’s natal chart, the Sun and Moon gives an indication of the type of karma the child may face with its
parents and will show how the incarnating so will experience the parents relationship. The Sum and Moon describe the parental archetype, what the soul has come to expect, and what the soul would like to meet if the archetype is expressed positively. The Moon can signify the
ancestral inheritance that passed down through the family, and the soul may have chosen the family specifically for this inheritance. Synastry between the parental chart in the child show highlights karmic issues, or interconnection, and plans for the present life.
Any aspects, no matter how minor will manifest the karma inherent in the contact. What’s your sign and moon sign? I’ll get to as many people as I can, and let you know what type of karmic/ancestral influences you may have!
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