Great entertainment here in this latest output from the HJS and its cheerleaders. Apparently, if you attend the mosque 3-4 times a week, you’re much more likely to harbour anti-Semitic views, and hold hostile perceptions of British Jews.
This is a very strange choice of metric, especially to use in poll questioning. If you’re familiar with the British Muslim landscape, you’ll know how there are huge variations in defining mosques and places of worship.
From makeshift prayer rooms, to conversions, ‘pop up mosques’, purpose built establishments... what exactly constitutes a mosque? What does frequent attendance look like? It’s so contested that the use of ‘mosque attendance’ is not helpful.
In fact, considering the HJS’s agenda &track record, it is quite clear that it is code for ‘religiosity’. The take-away assertion frm this report being that ‘practising Muslims’ are anti-Semitic bigots.
I wonder what the report’s author, Dr Ehsan, might have to say about the fact that most British Muslims haven’t set foot in a mosque for the past 4 months. Can we now declare British Muslims free of anti-Semitism? What is the threshold for making this call?
Of course it is entertaining to see what gets to masquerade as academic output during these strange times. But importantly, it is extremely worrying to see how some will exploit the v. real &concerning harms of anti semitism and islamophobia to further a securitisation narrative
This is cynical and self-interested, and stands to harm us all, and this is why it must be called out.
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