I havent rly said anything on here more specific than “screw cops” but aside from that, im having an increasingly hard time believing that we have to fully embrace and participate in a system to break it down and make it better?
I think voting is mostly important rn for local stuff, bc while I get ppl who think Biden is gonna do good things overall regardless of who is etc etc..
I will not be voting for any rapist. I cant as a survivor and as a friend to survivors, cannot justify this.
I would like yall who would vote for Trump over Biden to think about how Bernie was never a radical, how the scale of democrat to republican is flawed,and how even though ppl have flaws, sexual assault and harassment arent “flaws” they are crimes and they are immoral completely.
Please let me know how you plan to explain to the survivors and all women you know that you would prefer a democrat rapist over a republican one, when theyre all doing the same bullshit right now.
Actually please dont tell me because I can love and be friends with yall but it will be so much harder knowing that from you. Im a survivor and you are doing me and a LOT of people i know a disservice.
Thats just me and I can understand other perspectives without agreeing. That’s fine. Hopefully youll see when things are still bad. I dont care if its a “little better overall” (for yall who are already financially privileged and white) because we all need a new system
We need a system that serves and protects marginalized communities. We need to do better for disabled folks, the LGBT+ community, POC, and everyone else who this system kills everyday.
This system isnt broken, its like this on purpose. We need to do not only better, but DIFFERENT.
end of thread.
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