good omens but as this very specific type of meme - a thread. pt. 2!!
*the garden of eden, 4004 bc*
crowley: would be funny if we both got it wrong, eh?
book crowley during the spanish inquisition
aziraphale after meeting up with crowley in 1862
the angels and demons after the apocalypse got averted
demons on the head of a pin
"you go too fast for me crowley"
crowley after 1967 probably
the bentley
crowley's trial but not really
aziraphale and crowley
crowley driving through the flaming m25
witchfinder thou-shalt-not-commit-adultery pulsifer
satan probably
aziraphale @ gabriel
book aziraphale when he pays his taxes so well the government has to intervene
the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter:
r.p. tyler, neighborhood watch
aziraphale and crowley facing heaven and hell after averting the apocalypse
- end of thread because i ran out of memes :))
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