Speaking of bad marketing managers, let me tell you a fun story.

So a couple of years ago, we decided to launch our energy drink in cans, and had this marketing manager C.

C decided that based on his research, we should try and secure an ad spot on World Cup (the one in SA)
We did! We got some prime spot and shot a sexy ad (like we always do 😁)

According to C, the ad will make distributors and retailers RUSH the product, even club owners.

during that world cup, people would call me and say ”hey I saw your ad, where can we buy it”
And I would always be like 🤔 IDK

because while C worked on the ads he did not have a sales plan. He figured distributors would just somehow call and order 🤷🏽‍♀️

y’all after all that money spent on advertising, it barely affected sales.

C did not understand the Market
Distributors/retailers no one is looking to ”tie down their money on something that won't move”

They don't like having stock, there are things we could have done to ”lubricate” sales from that side

moreover, are they the right channel for sales?

how do you sell canned drinks?
To cut a long story short, the product was a BIG flop

we overlooked 1 MAJOR issue

canned drinks dont store well
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