Ok I got permission to talk about this. Let me start by saying this is why @thesamwisest and @mustangsart fighting for safe inclusive ttrpg spaces is important.

Cw: rape, abussive behavior,suicide

It started with me sharing how I felt about a post
I said even of I had had healing or was the dm I'd have let this playout exactly and let his character die becaise touching someones character after they said their character doesnt like to be touched was disgusting and innapproriate behavior.
Here is where a dear, sweet, friend hit me with something I nearly wanted to vomit. What she felt she had to do to walk away from a game instead of just leaving.

No name, but here's what happened
"I had to create a character who would commit suicide if raped because a DM got his rocks off raping the party. I only played with them a few times, but after the first two sessions, I made a female Wemic who worshiped a virgin goddess. (1/2)
No one in the party was strong enough to stop her from killing herself the last time I played with them." (2/2)
This is the behavior so many are fighting to change. This is the behavior people think is ok and why wouldn't they? When the very people who create content for it are allowed to get away similiar disgusting behavior.
Fruit of the poisonous tree. We have to talk to players and DMs about safety, about what it really means to be a safe inclussive space for people to join in at the table. Other player need to start calling out shit and stop making up excuses just because they love the game.
Demand better. Be better. This shit happens a lot. Thank you for the panels friends have hosted. Thank you @thesamwisest and @mustangsart for fighting so hard and doing what you do. I asked my friend if I could share this story.
Especially with you two since you fight so hard for players. Thank you.
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