why are artists being asked to donate everything they make right now? live-streams, profits from records, merch. I don’t see that same energy with baristas and bankers. do we not deserve to pay our bills and feed ourselves with money we make from our art?
artists, specifically entertainers, are already hit the hardest by covid, and then they are asking us to do live-streams where 60% of the money made is donated. we are unemployed, lol. our music and time is not a donation.
nobody is asking computer programmers or architects to donate 60% of their paycheck. as individuals, we have been donating what we can, when we can. mostly time and activism, and some money when we can. but we are fucking unemployed and broke!
and can we talk about the amount of money being raised here? a couple hundred dollars is petty cash for a charity, but can feed us for weeks. why do artists have the responsibility of constant charity when the profits of our work won’t even break the skin of fixing social issues
if I wanted to raise some money, i’d ask some rich folks and huge companies. not put on a showcase where me and my clique whipped around our pony tail around on stage, raised $75 dollars for charity, and then congratulated ourselves
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