Just got off the phone with ny best mate.Ever since the brexit vote you could say our relationship has been strained,but lately he seems to have drunk the the medias "your right wing" kool aid so I put him straight about a few things,and now I want to share.
I support Tommy Robinson,and always have. He was a lone voice calling for action against the grooming gangs when everyone else stayed silent.

Supporting Tommy is not a right wing position

Wanting the governance of your country to be in the hands of your own government,and theirs alone is not a right wing position.

Having an immigration system that works for the benefit of the country,and is controlled is not a right wing position.
Law,and Order.

Wanting the punishment to fit the crime,and allowing the police to do their jobs without fear of prosecution is not a right wing position.

Wanting the spaces that women have created for themselves to remain for women only is not a right wing position.

Being a carnavore is not a fcuking right wing position you melt. 30 rys of friendship on the line mate. Reign it in.
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